gratitude list

Day 7

Saturday August 18, 2018

Tonight’s going to be short. I started with writing something else but I’m going to switch gears. The other piece can wait. I need to focus a bit on gratitude. Recovery and my involvement in twelve-step programs have taught me that whenever I’m struggling, regardless of the particular nature of that struggle, making a list of what I’m grateful for puts things into perspective. I’ve also found that no matter how great the battle, I can always find something to put on that list.

  1. My car behaved today (no jarring car alarm tantrums!)
  2. I got to practice yoga overlooking the ocean
  3. I showed up to said yoga class, even though I woke up wanting to lose myself forever in the oblivion of sleep
  4. This afternoon I spent a few hours with two of my girlfriends, harvesting herbs, preparing tinctures and herbal honey; planning the ingredients of future salves and oils
  5. My dog (enough said)
  6. Being on the phone with my best friend from childhood, who will do anything for me, as I will for her
  7. Meeting a dear friend of mine this evening to swing dance. He is by far my favorite dance partner, as well as being a total hunk of sweetness
  8. It’s day 7 of this blog! I followed through on my commitment!
  9. I spoke to my grandfather this afternoon
  10. I have another day of the weekend tomorrow- and I can sleep in!

I will keep this list to ten things, though I could easily list more. This is a reminder to me that things could always be worse. I can recognize and “honor” the challenges I currently face while also seeing all the things I am blessed to have and to do in my life. There have been moments these last couple days when I just wanted to disappear. These moments feel familiar and very scary. But I’m here, holding true to my commitments and showing up no matter what. I’ve come too far to just give up now.




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